How Many Construction Workers Die Each Year? (2024)

Uncovering injuries in construction. 2018-2022 fatality statistics, causes, safety measures, and risks faced by workers to enhance industry safety.

Research Team


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The Alarming Statistics of Fatalities in Construction Sector

The construction industry, while a cornerstone of economic growth, faces a grim reality: the high number of fatalities it records each year. In 2022 alone, the construction sector witnessed 1,056 fatalities, an 11.0-percent increase from 2021. This alarming statistic underlines the inherent risks associated with construction work and the urgent need for improved safety measures.

Understanding the Causes Behind Construction Deaths Per Year

A dive into the causes of these fatalities reveals that transportation incidents, falls, slips, and trips are among the most common causes of death in the construction industry. These incidents highlight the critical need for rigorous safety protocols and training to mitigate workplace hazards effectively.

Demographic Disparities in Construction Sector Fatalities

The data of fatal injuries in specific demographic groups also points to concerning trends. Black or African American workers and Hispanic or Latino workers have experienced an increase in fatal injury rates. This disparity calls for targeted interventions to ensure the safety of all workers, irrespective of their background.

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Fatal Injuries by Occupation in Construction

The data on construction and extraction worker fatalities from 2018 to 2022 reveals variable trends. Supervisors' deaths decreased notably in 2020 but partially recovered by 2022. Construction trades workers saw a peak in 2019, followed by a slight decline, yet increased again in 2022. Extraction workers' fatalities fluctuated less dramatically, with a slight increase in the last year. Overall, the sector shows resilience amidst fluctuating fatality rates.

Broader Risks and the Need for Comprehensive Safety Strategies

In addition to the immediate physical hazards, construction workers face risks such as violence, injuries by persons or animals, and unintentional overdoses. These broader risks suggest the need for comprehensive safety strategies that address both physical and mental well-being.

The Way Forward: Reducing How Many Construction Workers Die Each Year

The statistics on fatalities in construction serve as a call to action for construction companies, policymakers, and safety professionals. Collaboration in developing and implementing robust safety standards and practices is crucial. Regular training, protective equipment, adherence to safety regulations, and mental health support are essential in reducing the number of construction deaths per year.

Conclusion: A Commitment to Change in Construction Worker Safety

The construction industry must commit to unwavering safety standards. Every construction death is a tragedy and a reminder of the cost of complacency in workplace safety. The industry has the power to change these numbers, starting with a commitment to safety at every level, aiming for a future where every construction worker returns home safely.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information based on data available up to 2022 and does not constitute professional advice. Statistics and trends are subject to change, and the content is intended for informational purposes only. Readers should seek up-to-date information and expert advice when making decisions related to construction safety and practices.

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